Daft Punk’s Time Machine To The 1970s – Nu Disco is Alive! – By Vincent J. Zuzow

Posted by admin on March 7, 2014 in pop culture, Rock and Roll |
Daft Punk has come a long way since their early days of Techno music.  All the way, in fact to finding a method of transporting us back to an earlier era where Disco music was king!  But, Disco is dead you say?  Not by a long shot!  Disco never died for many.  It still pounds away in the hearts of dancers both young and old.
Check out these two videos.  See if you find something interesting about the first video as compared to the second - (I found two things) .

And the official Daft Punk video of  ’Lose Yourself To Dance…

See any interesting similarities?  See any contrasts?  I do.
In the first video, the people are dancing and clapping in some old 1970s video clips from Soul Train that featured a young ‘Little Stevie Wonder’.  Stevie had recently dropped the ‘Little’ part of his name because well, he wasn’t little anymore, and had been growing into a mature mainstay in the Pop/Disco/Soul genre.  Although the dancers are clapping in exact time to the Daft Punk song, they were actually clapping in the 1970s – pre Punkdom. It’s as if they were listening and clapping to ‘Lose Yourself To Dance’ being played in the studio at the time; which they weren’t… I think that’s clever.  What sell it, is that the song ’Lose Yourself To Dance’ is the right type of music for Soul Train to have been playing – disco/soul – DP just came 40 years later!
The other interesting thing that struck me about the video was the skinniness of the people.  Where would you see that thin of a group today?  Compare the Daft Punk official video dance crowd to the 1970s Soul Train dance crowd.  The modern dancers aren’t fat, but they are no where close to the thin bodies in the ’70s!  Some of those dancers of the ’70s may be close to being considered anorexic by today’s McDonalds and Burger King crowd.
I don’t know how long Daft Punk’s time machine can keep the portal open to the intoxicating dance beat of the Disco era, but I suspect that portal “ain’t gonna be closin’ anytime soon.”

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