The Last of the Two Step…
Well, it’s here! The last of the binary dates! No more 01/01/00 or 01/10/00 or 01/11/00 or 10/011/10 or 10/10/10 or 10/11/10 or 11/10/10 or 11/01/11 or 11/10/11 or 11/11/11. Not even 00/00/00 or 01/01/01 ya know, like back in the day… So enjoy the day. Enjoy the date. The last binary date of our [...]
Very Sexy Dates! The Last Binary Dates of our Lifetime!
Today – 11/10/11 – is one of the two last days in our lifetime that calculates into a binary number! Tomorrow 11/11/11 will be the last in our lifetime! Today 10/10/11 converts from binary to decimal as the number 59. How about that! However, tomorrow 11/11/11 will not be 60. No, no! Too easy! It will be [...]